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Version 1.0.7 now available

· One min read
Chris Haider
Dinh Bao Dang

Version 1.0.7 of the "Cookie Consent Management by Usercentrics CMP v2" extension is now live.


  • Minor bugfixes.
  • Triggering error messages and reworked error validation.
  • Extended unit test.
  • Bugfix where extension would throw an error if "uc_settings" localStorage item got deleted.
  • Preventing "Adobe Category" dropdowns to be empty.
  • Updated documentation links.
  • Refining the "Custom DPS" section's behaviour in the extension's configuration page.
Still using the 1.0.6 ?

You can also read documentation for older versions. See Documentation Versioning.

Or directly jump to the 1.0.6 documentation.